Stallions registered in BRp must be three years old or older, by approved Stallions from a recognized European Pony association, and out of main studbook dams. The stallion’s sire and dam do not have to be of the same “breed”, but must be of proven competition bloodlines. Prior to being presented, the pedigree must be sent to the BWP/NAD Studbook Committee and Belgium for approval of bloodlines. The pedigree must contain four full generations.
Stallions must also undergo a veterinary examination. The exam must also include a physical (clinical) examination with a local vet that includes negative results for cryptorchidism, overbite, and heart murmurs.
Radiograph Guidelines are as follows:
Radiographs to be included with report must be marked with date, clinic name, horses name and BRp/UELN number (when available) and must be labeled Right or Left.
- Fore feet: Lateral/medial (LM) and Dorsopalmar (DP) must be standing on a block (off the ground)
- Fetlocks: (front and hind) – LM
- Stifle: LM
- Tarsal joints: LM, DP and medial and lateral obliques
If the quality of the gaits and conformation are sufficient, the stallions will be asked to free jump and/or be ridden undersaddle depending on the age of the stallion. Stallions 3yrs, will be asked to free jump only. Stallions 4yrs will be asked to free jump and be ridden undersaddle. Stallions 5yrs and older will be asked to be ridden and jumped under saddle.
Free jumping for stallions that have been selected for further evaluation consists of three fences, the first of which is a cavaletti. The stallion starts with three trial jumps whereby the last fence is raised to 70 cm, 90 cm and a 90 cm oxer consecutively. The stallion is evaluated on jumping technique, willingness and ability.
Provisional approval is given to stallions meeting the stringent requirements of the BRp that have yet to complete performance requirements.